Service Plan
It's really important to maintain your equipment. The manufacturer has a recommended service schedule.
To maintain the warranty its vital that this is followed as it could invalidate the warranty if it is not.
We offer Service Plans for all the Core butchery equipment we sell.
We carry in stock all the consumables the machines need, plus any specialised tools required.
For Vacuum Packers we will change the oil and filter, replace the wires and tapes,
and check the machine is pulling the correct vacuum and operating correctly.
For Sausage Fillers we will change the oil and filter, and check the wear in the bore and replace the main seal if required.
For Mincers and Mixer Grinders we will change the oil and filter, and check the wear in the bore.
Plan Details
A. What's Covered
- A service in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
- Travel to and from your site.
- All parts, oil and consumables recommended to be used by the manufacturer.
- All labour involved in carrying out the service.
- A clean of the machine removing any grease or debris from the service, ready for you to sanitise it.
- Removal & safe disposal of old parts and oil.
- The machine safety tested.
- A Certificate of Service suitable for BRC or other regulatory compliance.
- The machine records updated so warranty has been maintained.
- The fixed price for the term of the plan.
B. What is Not Covered
- Labour or parts for repairs, damage or issues such as misuse, corrosion or oxidation.
- Ware parts such as knives and plates.
- Waiting time if access to the machine is delayed or unavailable.
C. What We Need
- Clear un-obstructed access to the machine for the engineer to work.
- The machine provided free from product and in a clean condition.
- The machine connected to power and other services if required.
D. Service & Repair or Warranty
- During the service it might become apparent that a repair is required:
- Warranty: if caused by a manufacturing defect can be carried out under the terms of the warranty if it is still valid.
- Repair: repairs outside of warranty will need to be charged at agreed rates. A quote will be provided before any work is carried out.
- If you require additional work then this can be arranged to be carried out at a suitable time.
Unfortunately is is unlikely to be carried out at the same time as the service unless arranged in advance.
E. How to Book
- At the time you take out the Service Plan we will record when your service is expected to due, dependant on forecast usage.
- We will contact you 2 weeks in advance to arrange a suitable time to attend.
- If you need to bring the service forward due to increased usage, then call us on 028 9084 1025, and press option 3 for service.
F. Terms & Conditions
- The Service Plan lasts a year. At the end of the Plan we will send you a new quote to renew it.
- Receipt of payment for the service plan is required to activate the plan.
- Repairs for damage is not be covered by the Service Plan. This includes accidental damage or misuse.
© 2024 Scobie & Junor (Ireland) Ltd
14 McKinney Road, Mallusk Newtownabbey, Co Antrim, BT36 4PE, Northern Ireland
VAT# GB 662 8497 92 | Co# SC48720 | BRC# 1979004